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LCMC 24th Annual Gathering & Convention

Lutheran Congregations in Mission for Christ’s Annual Gathering is a four-day event featuring keynote speakers, worship and Bible study, breakout sessions, vendors and plenty of opportunities for fellowship and networking.  Whether you’re new to LCMC, just checking us out for the first time, or a long-time member looking to make new friends and reunite with old ones, the Annual Gathering is the place to be if you’re looking to get inspired, get informed, get trained & equipped and get connected with other LCMC-ers!


Our association is made up of many different types of congregations: large and small, rural and urban, younger and older, traditional and contemporary, U.S. and international.  Although we may have differences in where we’re located and how we do things, we all have one thing in common: we each have the ability to engage the unique cultural moments before us when God presents us with an opportunity to do so.  The challenge is being prepared to act on it!

The theme of our 24th Annual Gathering & Convention is “Engaging Your Cultural Moment”.  Together, we will explore how the cultural moments happening all around us can be seen not as something negative, but as potential opportunities for carrying out the Great Commission.  We’ll cover topics such as:

  • How can we embrace our Lutheran theology and use it to positively impact the lives of the people around us?
  • How do we empower the people in our churches to be ready to share the gospel with others, and to recognize a propitious moment to do so?
  • How can we reach people who are living in smaller, less populated, or less accessible areas?
  • What resources are available to help congregations carry out this mission in their communities?

The LCMC Annual Gathering & Convention serves as an opportunity for pastors, leaders, and church members from all types of congregations to join together for an intentional time of worship, prayer, fellowship, networking, learning, and inspiration.  We look forward to seeing you there!


September 29, 2024


October 2, 2024




FaithLife Church
8300 C Avenue NE
Marion, OH 52302 United States




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