Gloria Dei is blessed with a variety of Ministries to SERVE our Lord! We want to help you find a Ministry that fits your God-given talents, your time, and your interests. Are you a good public speaker? We welcome your talent reading lessons for our worship services. Would you much rather be “behind the scenes” peeling potatoes to make lefse for the bi-annual Scandinavian Bake Sale, or flipping hamburgers for the Hunger Haven Food Stand during the National Tractor Pull? From ringing bells for the Salvation Army to praising God with our voices—we have something for everyone!
When our members come together to SERVE the Lord, great things happen! We CONNECT with each other and are reminded that we are all members of the Body of Christ. Is Serving and Volunteering mandatory to be a member of Gloria Dei? Of course not; but as a community of faith, we encourage each other, we appreciate each other, and we praise God while doing it!
Ushers and Greeters welcome everyone to church, pass out bulletins, assist with name tags, collect offering and assist with the flow of communion services
Altar Guild members are responsible for setting up and cleaning up after communion services the 1st and 3rd weekend of the month.
Tech Team records our worship services to be shown on our website and on Haggen Network.
Acolyting is a part of our Confirmation Program. Young adults have the opportunity to SERVE during the worship services by lighting candles, assisting with communion and baptisms.
Visit our Voluteer Spot Page to view current schedules.
1 Cor. 3:9