500th Anniversary of the Reformation
by David Dahl
As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace. (1Peter 4:10)
How often do you get a chance to celebrate a 500th Anniversary? Well, I suppose about once every 500 years…
During October, we’re placing extra emphasis on the Protestant Reformation – the period of history begun as Martin Luther nailed 95 Theses (topics for discussion) on the bulletin board of his day – the church door. A movement ensued that opened the door to the Bible being translated into the language of the people and people living out God’s Word in a way that was personal, public and profound. The Reformation era was an unleashing of the Gospel of Jesus Christ second only to Pentecost. It changed the world.
We’re celebrating this modestly this month.
We’ll be working out a sermon series on “Living Christian.” We’ll also continue to encourage you to join a Bible study group as we celebrate that we’re privileged to have a Bible in our own language and we’re able to read it for ourselves. Then there is one more element to this celebration.
During the next few months, the Stewardship team in conjunction with the Church Council will be asking you to take a quick survey to identify just how God has been gracing you for service. The goal is for you to know that God has gifted you and to open your eyes a bit wider to the role you are made to play in Jesus’ call to make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:19-20). This is a great opportunity for you to get to know yourself a little better too.
Peter states: “each has received a gift” (1 Peter 4:10). God has given us the gift of the Bible in our own language and tremendous freedom to worship Him. God has also gifted each of you personally. God wants us to know that our gifts are not an accident of genetics and experience. He knew what he was doing when he made each of us and he has intentionally given us the gifts we have in the measure we have them.
The Reformation era broke the chains allowing us to freely serve God—and to freely steward (manage) the gifts God has entrusted to us; and he has entrusted them to us primarily for the benefit of others.
This is an exciting month! May God open our eyes to the magnitude of His grace and open our hearts to know there is no higher calling for you than to be who God called you to be.
Keep and Live the Faith!
-Pr. David G. Dahl
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