Faith In Action
by Pastor Scott
For a number of years, I have been involved with an organization called Faith in Action. It is a national community organizing network that gives people of faith the tools that they need to fight for justice and work towards a more equitable society. I worked with a group in the Wausau area for a few years and along with driving people to their medical appointments, they would help with building ramps to make homes more accessible for those living there.
In Tomah, I am the Vice President of the Board for Faith in Action. Some of the services that are offered in the community include delivering groceries to those who cannot shop for themselves, driving people to medical appointments, helping with yard work and other chores people are not able to do for themselves.
From the Faith in Action website, I found some good advice that I feel pertains to not only our own community, but communities around the world. It says, “The struggle over the direction of the country is not just about economics or politics. It is a spiritual struggle over who we are and how we are connected. Many people, especially younger people, have lost faith in institutions and have distanced themselves from traditional religious congregations. But people are still searching for spiritual connection and purpose. Through our organizing work, we believe individuals will be able to say, as a result of my participation in Faith in Action, my life is better, and I see the world and myself differently.”
If you open your Bibles to the book of Hebrews, chapter 11, it is possible that you will see the words, “Faith in Action.” Moses was an important leader of the Hebrew people, and many consider him an Old Testament hero. He was called to do great things with the Lord’s help, and he encountered the presence of the Almighty in intimate ways. But all of his amazing feats were possible only because of his faith.
Hebrews chapter 11 begins, “Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. This is what the ancients were commended for. By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God’s command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible.” Those honored in this chapter believed God and demonstrated their trust with obedient action. James 2:14 suggests that all genuine faith results in action. That remains true today.
Walking by faith does not mean we are on an easy path. It can include hardship and even persecution. But when we remain true to the Lord through it all, our faith is proven genuine, and we grow in Christlikeness. Ask yourself if you are willing to rely on God’s strength in your times of weakness? Do you really believe Christ will empower you to stand firm in those times of difficulty?
We may never know the reason for everything that happens in the world. Although we may still question why God has allowed certain events to occur, placing our trust in Him allows us to remember that He has the answers and that is all that matters. Our call is to follow Him and help lead others to Him. God’s love is steadfast and faithful. The Lord responds to faith by enabling us to endure difficulty, demonstrating His power in our weakness, and providing contentment and joy, even in the midst of suffering.
Trust in God with all your heart. Worship and praise Him in every moment through words and actions. Share your faith with others. Uncertain times can be filled with fear and worry. Placing our trust in the Lord will help us navigate through every situation.
In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Pastor Scott
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