Looking UP

Looking UP

From Pastor Dave’s Desk. . .

“Look to the Lord and his strength; seek his face always.” 1 Chronicles 16:11


I didn’t get much sleep. No, it wasn’t the news that kept me awake this time. As I was getting ready for bed, one of my daughters wanted to talk. I indulged her, and she talked without stopping for over 2 hours! She talked about the funny things she had seen, the classmate who had said something nasty to her and what her future husband is going to look like. She covered it all – joys, sorrows, plans, life. It was a pleasure to hear her heart.

A listening ear can be our most valuable possession. My hope is that my daughters know that their Heavenly Father listens to them with even greater interest than I am able to.

God’s ears are open and available. Because my mind wanders, I follow a Bible reading plan to open my ears to hear Him speak to me. When our hearts join His in conversation, there is healing, and we are prepared for action.
In light of the complexity of what is going on in our world, I’m offering a prayer in the spirit of 1 Chronicles 16 – “Look to the Lord and His strength, seek His face always.” The reports I read from the Middle East are heart wrenching. Our Christian brothers and sisters in Afghanistan are facing challenges we cannot imagine. Haiti is also in turmoil. I ask that we join in prayer together for our sake and for theirs. Please pray with me, for yourself and for those whom God has placed on your heart:

Dear Lord,
We thank you for those who have fought the good fight,
who have finished the race,
who have kept the faith.
This day You have chosen us as those who take their place.
The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few.
We are the answer to the prayers of others who cried out for more laborers for the harvest field.
We ask, Lord, that You give us everything we need for what lies ahead. We ask the same for our brothers and sisters across the globe who face untold challenges.
When we face the unknown, equip us with faith as You equipped Abraham and Moses.
When we face temptation, equip them with integrity as You equipped Joseph and Daniel.
When we face hard decisions, give us Your wisdom as You equipped Deborah and Solomon.
When our hearts are filled with fear, give us the courage You gave Gideon and Esther.

Go with us and our brothers and sisters across this globe for whom we pray,
because we know Satan and evil forces are arrayed against us.
Use us as the tip of Your spear, to pierce the darkness until it bleeds light.
May we see the gates of hell crumble as:
the Word is preached
and sin is confronted
and sinners loved
and people saved
and marriages mended
and children taught and the grieving comforted
and enemies become friends
and the lonely welcomed
and the hungry fed
and the wounded healed
and communities, states and nations are transformed with the Good News of Jesus Christ.

May we live for Your glory and for the world’s good.
And keep us faithful until the day we hear You say, “Well done.” Amen.

Keep and Live the Faith!
-Pr. David Dahl


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