Our Identity In Christ

by David Dahl
For in the one Spirit we were all baptized into one body—Jews or Greeks, slaves or free—and we were all made to drink of one Spirit. (1 Corinthians 12:13)
It comes out of nowhere and at the strangest times. You see the news and hear of a city burned and looted or national monuments vandalized. The words come quickly: “Why? Who do they think they are?”
The “why” and the “who” are important words. They are identity triggers. Just pause for a bit and ask yourself, “Why do I do the things that I do?” You do what you do out of who you are and whose you are – your identity.
That is the purpose behind reading your Bible. We need a good reminder of what living as someone created in God’s image looks like. God’s Word even became flesh for us in Jesus Christ. God gave us the best example in His only Son.
Our identity is rooted in the One who gives us life. It’s the word given to kids as they travel out the door to school. “Remember who you are.” We are children of God, born again into God’s family. As children of God, God gives us access to all the resources of His kingdom. In all my years as a Christian, I still can’t grasp the full meaning of this. That is why we need a good reminder of who we are and whose we are.
When Paul wrote the Corinthians, he constantly reminded them. “. . . we were all baptized into one body. . .” We’re one family in Christ. “. . .Jews or Greeks, slaves or free. . .” It doesn’t matter where you came from. We are one family led by the God’s Word and God’s Spirit intent on completing Christ’s work – the rescue of the human race.
It’s profound to note that Christians in the Middle East see that the only way to heal the conflict between Arabs, Palestinians and Jews is the Good News. The only way that these peoples will see each other as brothers and sisters is to embrace Christ and center their identity in Him. Then and only then will the weapons be put down and forgiveness, reconciliation and healing take place. The same stands for us as Americans. The way of peace is through returning to Christ, because identity – Who you are and whose you are – means everything.
In a world where social and political ideologies express themselves in unspeakable acts, explore why you, as a Christian, are different. Why do you do things the way you do? The world is waiting to know. Understanding your identity as a follower of Christ one of the most important assets you possess.
As a follower of Christ, you are joined to a vast family with a royal destiny, whose King has sacrificed an unimaginable price and called you His. This affects everything. Come and join us in this engaging time of our history to discover again who we are and what Christ has done for us and why it matters.
Keep and Live the Faith,
Pr. David G. Dahl
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