Answers to Our Questions

by Pastor Scott
When children hit a certain age, they love to ask a certain question…and that question is “Why?” And it seems that once people start asking that question, they never stop. We may slow down and not ask it out loud as often as a four-year-old does, but we still think it, wonder about it, dwell on it and sometimes ask it. Why? Why do I keep saying those words that hurt my loved one’s feelings? Why can’t I seem to break that addiction or unhealthy habit? Why do I feel so unhappy? Why does that irritate me so? Why can’t my children get along? Why does God allow such horrible things to happen in the world? Why did he get cancer and die just months after he retired? Why am I so afraid to be bold about my faith? Why do people think I’m difficult? Why is my daughter disabled? Why? Why? Why?
It is a very good question.
We all love to talk about ourselves, our problems, our thoughts and concerns and there are many polite people out there who are willing to listen to us. At least for a while. But when we are asking “why”, we must search within ourselves and decide if we really want to know the answer. Are we willing to risk learning the truth? Do we want peace about the situation, so we can move on, or do we just want to hang on to it and keep talking about it? Are we looking for someone to blame?
So, who should we go to with these questions? It is good to have friends, but if we are asking another person, we should choose someone who is willing to listen and then help us find the truth, not just play nice and say whatever they think we want to hear. We could seek professional help. Sometimes that’s necessary and can be very beneficial, but it can also become a long and winding path.
If we ask ourselves, we must be willing to take off the mask that we put on for the world and admit that we might be the problem or at least be contributing to it. We must be willing to admit that our sin may be the cause of the problems we are wondering about.
But ultimately, we must know that it’s okay to ask God “why”. God does many things that we do not understand. He knows us better than we do. And when we genuinely want to gain understanding, asking Him why is only natural. He is our Father and we are his children. Who else should a child ask the important questions in life but a trusted and loving parent.
Prayer, an open heart and ultimately God’s word in the Bible, is where we should start our search and most often is where our search will end. The Bible continues to be relevant, reliable and accurate. The Scriptures reveal the God of the universe and His plan for mankind. The Bible gives us practical instruction, scolds us when we need it and corrects us when we are willing to be corrected. Every time in my life when I have looked for the answers to my “why” questions in Scripture, I have had to look no further. And along with the answers, came the certain peace that God is in control and that He dearly loves His children, including me.
So, instead of dwelling on your questions, agonizing over them, looking for answers within yourself or to some new popular theory, celebrity endorsed product, highly educated professional or endless analysis, look to God in Scripture. You will not be disappointed. I would love to hear about what you find.
“From where then does wisdom come? And where is the place of understanding?… God understands the way to it, and He knows the place. For He looks to the ends of the earth and sees everything under the heavens. When He gave to the wind its weight and apportioned the waters by measure, when He made a decree for the rain and a way for the lightning of the thunder, then He saw it and declared it; He established it and searched it out. And He said to man, ‘Behold, the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom and to turn away from evil is understanding” (Job 28: 20, 23-28 ESV).
In Jesus’ Name,
Pastor Scott
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