
Aug 2021
Where Is God When Powerful People Are Out of Control?

Keep the words of the Lord in your heart; teach them to your children. Talk about them when you are at home and when you are away, when you lie down and when you rise. (Deuteronomy 6:6-7) The regular habit of reading the Bible has saved my life more times than I can count. The previous night, I put my head on the pillow after indulging in a large dose of world and national news. It was a feast of political finger-pointing by the well-connected and the rich and powerful exerting their......

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Hunger Haven at the Fair

Hunger Haven at the Fair

Hunger Haven will be opening for the 2021 Season of Serving in July! Our little Food Stand is a great place to meet some new people, connect with old friends and share GOD’S love...

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